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10. 4. 2023

12. 9. 2022

  • teďpředchozí 12:2912. 9. 2022, 12:29OJJ diskuse příspěvky 3 800 bajtů +315 tagref, Indigenous people living on ancestral lands in Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, Southeast Sulawesi, were forcibly evicted from their homes in November by a security team including police and military personnel. The action has been widely condemned in Indonesia as further confirmation that the brutal treatment which characterised Suharto's "New Order" regime is still being used against indigenous peoples today. The forced eviction, which involved 60-80 security personnel, took place fr zrušit editaci značka: přepnuto z Vizuálního editoru

21. 5. 2022

9. 4. 2021

19. 6. 2020

16. 3. 2020

14. 11. 2019

20. 5. 2019

11. 2. 2019

14. 3. 2018

13. 3. 2018