Patrik L.
Dotazník pro editory ke tvorbě strategického plánu
editovatDobrý den,
jako aktivního editora Vás prosíme o pomoc při tvorbě strategického plánu spolku Wikimedia Česká republika do roku 2027. Pomozte nám rozhodnout, jakým směrem se mají programy pro editory v následujících třech letech ubírat. O vyplnění krátkého dotazníku Vás prosíme do 1. května 2024, obsahuje 7 otázek a zabere to asi 5 minut.
V rámci probíhajících příprav strategického plánu spolku WMČR na léta 25–27 běží paralelně řada procesů. Různými formami postupně oslovujeme definované cílové skupiny. V rámci možností se snažíme o maximální stručnost a efektivitu, ptáme se vždy na to, co je pro danou skupinu primárně relevantní.
Více informací k procesu a průběhu přípravy SP najdete na pro tyto účely zřízené veřejné stránce. Na editorský dotazník navazuje termínově setkání se správci a patrolou – v gesci Pavla Bednaříka. V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se mi můžete ozvat na diskusní stránce, nebo mailem na jan.beranek
Děkujeme za zapojení,
Growth News, April 2024
editovatThe Growth team will now send quarterly reports to keep you in the loop. Growth team weekly updates are available on wiki (in English) if you want to know more about our day-to-day work.
If you want to receive more general updates about technical activity happening across the Wikimedia movement (including Growth work), we encourage you to subscribe to Tech News.
Community Configuration
editovatGrowth features are currently configurable at Special:EditGrowthConfig
. This quarter we are working on making Community Configuration accessible for other MediaWiki developers while also moving Growth feature configuration to the new CommunityConfiguration extension.
An early version of Community Configuration can be tested at Spanish Beta Wikipedia. We plan to release the new Community Configuration extension to pilot wikis (Arabic and Spanish Wikipedia) in early May, 2024. The first non-Growth team feature to utilize Community Configuration will be Automoderator.
In parallel with the development, the Growth team will propose Community Configuration usage guidelines, Community Configuration design guidelines, and provide technical documentation.
Experiment Results
editovatAdd a Image experiment analysis results
The Growth team conducted an experiment to assess the impact of the “Add an Image” structured task on the Newcomer Homepage's "Suggested Edits" module. This analysis finds that the Add an Image structured task leads to an increase in newcomer participation on the mobile web platform, particularly by making constructive (non-reverted) article edits:
- The likelihood that mobile web newcomers make their first article edit (+17.0% over baseline)
- The likelihood that they are retained as newcomers (+24.3% over baseline)
- The number of edits they make during their first two weeks on the wiki (+21.8% over baseline)
- A lower probability of the newcomers' edits will be reverted (-3.3% over baseline).
Personalized praise experiment results
This feature was developed for Mentors as part of the Growth team's Positive Reinforcement project. When A/B testing on Spanish Wikipedia, we found no significant impact on retention, but we found a significant positive impact on newcomer productivity. However, we concluded that the results weren’t positive enough to justify the time investment from Mentors. We plan to discuss this feature with our pilot wikis, and consider further improvements before scaling this feature further. Meanwhile, communities willing to test the feature can ask to have it deployed. (T361763)
English donors encouraged to try editing
As in previous years, donors were directed to a Thank you page after donation (example). However, this year we tested a new “Try editing Wikipedia,” call to action on the Thank You page. This call to action linked to a unique account creation page. From this account creation page we were able to track Registrations and Activation (editing for the first time). During the English banner campaign, the Donor Thank you page led to 4,398 new accounts, and 441 of those accounts went on to constructively edit within 24 hours. (T352900)
Future work
editovatAnnual Plan
The Growth team and the Editing team will work on the WE1.2 Key Result in the coming fiscal year. We will start initial discussions with communities soon to help finalize our plans. (T361657)
Newcomer Homepage Community Updates module
We plan to A/B test adding a new Community Configurable module to the Newcomer Homepage that will allow communities to highlight specific events, projects, campaigns, and initiatives. We are early in the planning phase of this project that will take place first at our pilot wikis and wikis volunteering. We welcome community feedback on initial designs and plans, in any language at our project talk page.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
23. 4. 2024, 20:55 (CEST)
Pozvánka na Editaton Lidská práva na Wikipedii
editovatV případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se mi můžete ozvat na diskusní stránce, nebo mailem na jan.beranek
Těšíme se na Vaši účast,
Výzva Lidská práva na Wikipedii před cílovou páskou
editovatna základě Vaší účasti v editačních výzvách Vám chci připomenout, že výzva Lidská práva na Wikipedii končí už v neděli 30. června. Pro zapojení do soutěže o ceny nezapomeňte své příspěvky označit hashtagem #LidskaPrava ve „Shrnutí editace“.
Zároveň bych chtěl připomenout dnešní Editaton Lidská práva na Wikipedii ve spolupráci s Amnesty International, který proběhne ve středa 26. června 2024 od 15:00 v Praze (Palác Langhans, Centrum Člověka v tísni). Více informací najdete zde, registrovat se můžete tady.
Pro zapojení do soutěže napište do „Shrnutí editace“ hashtag #lidskaprava, a to až do 30. června 2024. Podrobnosti k soutěži a informace o požadovaných článcích najdete zde.
Mezi 10 vítězů a vítězek porota rozdělí poukázky do e-shopu, které do soutěže darovala Nadace Albatros. Ta navíc letos ocení každého účastníka a účastnici bez ohledu na umístění. Všichni tak získají 25% slevu na nákup v e-shopu a dopravu zdarma. Všechny účastníky a účastnice zároveň oceníme virtuální „medailí“.
V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se mi můžete ozvat na diskusní stránce, nebo mailem na jan.beranek
Hodně štěstí,
Growth News, July 2024
editovatCommunity Configuration
editovatThe Growth team released Community Configuration at all Wikipedias. You can access it at Special:CommunityConfiguration
This new special page replaces Special:EditGrowthConfig
. For now, all Growth features can be configured using Community Configuration. Configuration for AutoModerator (T365046) and other features will be available in the future.
You can help with translations. The interface translation is done at You can also help translate the documentation.
If you attend Wikimania 2024, please join us for the session about Community configuration's future!
Current work
editovatNewcomer Homepage Community Updates module
We will add a new Community Configurable module to the Newcomer Homepage that will allow communities to highlight specific events, projects, campaigns, and initiatives. We have released a simple version available to beta wikis. We will conduct an A/B test at our pilot wikis using the new Metrics Platform. We still welcome community feedback on initial designs and plans, in any language at our project talk page.
Future work
editovatIncrease constructive activation on mobile
As part of the Growth team 2024/2025 Annual Plan, the Growth team will explore various ways to increase the percentage of newcomers who successfully start editing.
Editing a Wikipedia page requires too much context and patience. It means many trial and error for newcomers to contribute, meaning a steeper learning curve and potential discouraging reverts. To support a new generation of volunteers, we will increase the number and availability of smaller, structured, and more task-specific editing workflows (E.g. Edit Check and Structured Tasks). The Growth team will primarily focus on Structured Tasks, while working closely with the Editing team to ensure our work integrates well with Edit Check.
Stay informed
editovatGrowth team weekly updates are available on wiki (in English) if you want to know more about our day-to-day work. If you want to receive more general updates about technical activity happening across the Wikimedia movement (including Growth work), we encourage you to subscribe to Tech News.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
30. 7. 2024, 17:08 (CEST)