Diskuse:Papoušek širokozobý

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Žasnu, kolik informací dovedli ornitologové a další badatelé vyšpekulovat na základě pár kostí, několika zmínek a náčrtku. Měl jsem pár věcí, ale rovnou jsem je upravil / dohledal jsem si, přijde mi to efektivnější než sem psát každou drobnost. Zbývá pouze:

  • "Ačkoli se britský cestovatel Sir Thomas Herbert v roce 1634 zmiňoval o ptácích „Cacatoes“ (kakadu), které komentoval slovy: „ptáci jako papoušci [sic], divocí a nezdolní“, přírodovědci si neuvědomili, že měl na mysli stejného ptáka" - nevím úplně, k jakým přírodovědcům je zde odkazováno. Podle EN verze jsi tam jednu větu v překladu vynechal, ale i s tou pořád tápu, co se tím myslí

Díky za článek, DČ podporuji bez problémů. --Podzemnik (diskuse) 24. 10. 2022, 10:22 (CEST)Odpovědět

@Podzemnik: Dovolím si sem dát přímou citaci zdroje, za porušení AP se to snad chápat takto nedá... Pro další vývoj článku to ale bude užitečné:
Přímá citace z příslušného zdroje
The ‘Indian raven’, of which only the colour is confusingly described, was pictured as a large bird with a substantial beak and a kind of projection on its forehead, perched up a tree. The birds were often referred to in subsequent reports, the Dutch always calling them ind(ian)ische/indiaensche ravens, translated into French as corbeau indien. Although also applied in France to macaws in the 1650s24, the term was widely used in Dutch, French and English in the East Indies to denote hornbills25. Confusion persisted for well over a century – in the 1770s Buffon was still mistakenly assuming that some sort of crow (as in the everyday use of ‘corbeau’) was being discussed26. Strickland, reflecting the most widespread usage, and influenced by the projection over the bill of the bird in the engraving, assigned the ‘Indische raven’ rather definitively to ‘a species of Buceros’ i.e. a hornbill. Although quoting Thomas Herbert at length, Strick-land uncharacteristically failed to notice that Herbert’s ‘cacato’ was curiously similar to the bird in the Dutch engraving (though mirror-reversed), and represented the same species. A ‘cacato’ (cockatoo) is likely to be a kind of parrot, and indeed Herbert described them succinctly as “birds like parrats, fierce and indomitable”. Nonetheless, later writers were confused by Dutch voyagers always referring quite separately to ‘Indianische ravens’ and ‘papagaien’ as two separate classes of birds, while failing to give useful descriptions, though Pastor Hoffman in 1675 did his best: “red crows with recurved beaks and blue heads, which fly with difficulty and have received from the Dutch the name of ‘Indianishe ravens’”27. Thus until subfossil material of a large parrot was found in the 1860s, the Indian Raven was misidentified or ignored; mentions of parrots, even from English visitors who never used the term ‘Indian Raven’, were taken as referring to something quite different. Even finding the bones did not immediately clinch the argument; Emile Oustalet was still arguing in 1897 that ‘corbeaux indiens’ were hornbills whose bones were yet to be found, formerly present in addition to the extinct parrots by then named Lophopsittacus mauri-tianus (and hereafter called Raven Parrots)28. In 1983 Pierre Verin, compiling a book of old voyages to Mauritius, called the bird a hornbill, and in 1993 France Staub revived the idea again29. No hornbill bones have been found. In fact, their presence would be most improbable on zoogeographical grounds; hornbills are poor at sea crossings and unknown on oceanic islands30. The artist on the Gelderland also drew this bird – unequivocally a large crested parrot. An analogous saga is still being played out in relation to the supposed Réunion dodo (of which more later).

CHEKE, A. S.; HUME, J. P. Lost land of the dodo : an ecological history of Mauritius, Réunion & Rodrigues. London: T & AD Poyser

Podle onoho zdroje vyplývá, že je zde zmiňován konkrétně Strickland, který nereflektoval zprávy Herberta. Podle tohoto by to chtělo tu nejasnou sekci doupravit. OJJ, Diskuse 7. 11. 2022, 15:03 (CET)Odpovědět

Přeformuloval jsem, kdyžtak zkontroluj prosím. --Podzemnik (diskuse) 5. 12. 2022, 22:42 (CET)Odpovědět
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