Diskuse:Ric Ocasek

Poslední komentář: před 4 lety od uživatele Artaxerxes v tématu „Bohemian ancestors

Bohemian ancestors


What sources/references establish that Ocasek had Bohemian (or Czech) ancestors? His English page has nothing to show his ethnicity. Thank you for any help you can offer.--Artaxerxes (diskuse) 23. 9. 2019, 17:45 (CEST)Odpovědět

Not that it would be the perfect encyclopedic source, but the linked interview with his wife Paulina includes the following passage:
Předpokládám, že jste hned rozebrali ta vaše česká jména.
Jasně, o tom jsme se bavili okamžitě. Ale on svoji babičku a dědečka z Čech moc neznal, a tatínek se už narodil v Americe. Překvapil mě až mnohem později. Seděli jsme doma u televize a on najednou povídá: „Já jsem malá holka.“ Byla jsem překvapená, protože jinak česky vůbec nemluví.
I supposed you discussed your Czech names.
Of course, we immediately talked about that. But he did not know his grandmother and grandfather from Czechia very well and his dad was born already in America. He surprised me much later. We were sitting at home watching the TV and he suddenly said “Já jsem malá holka”. I was surprised because he didn’t speak Czech.
HTH. --Mormegil 23. 9. 2019, 17:52 (CEST)Odpovědět
Yes, thank you, I've seen her interview -- and that's about all I have to go on right now. It's not enough by itself, I don't think, but it makes for good "background", certainly. I also need to know what Wikipedia policy is on using foreign sources (I've searched on it, but come up with nothing.) Thank you again for you help.--Artaxerxes (diskuse) 23. 9. 2019, 18:23 (CEST)Odpovědět
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