

Těším se na Vaše příspěvky a srdečně přeji, ať se Vám ve Wikipedii líbí! --Vojtěch Veselý (diskuse) 16. 3. 2015, 12:36 (CET)Odpovědět

Děkuji za přivítání.--Dagmar z Prahy (diskuse) 16. 3. 2015, 17:46 (CET)Odpovědět



Snad zatím zvládám.Nevím jestli příště budu něco vědět.Jste na tom líp?--Roobova (diskuse) 16. 3. 2015, 17:57 (CET)Odpovědět

Myslím, že by bylo potřeba to cvičit.--Dagmar z Prahy (diskuse) 16. 3. 2015, 18:12 (CET)Odpovědět
Dobrý den, jak to dneska jde?--Dagmar z Prahy (diskuse) 23. 3. 2015, 17:16 (CET)Odpovědět


Thank you for using VisualEditor and sharing your ideas with the developers.

Hello, Dagmar z Prahy,

The Editing team is asking for your help with VisualEditor. I am contacting you because you may have tried to use VisualEditor before. Please tell them what they need to change to make VisualEditor work well for you. The team has a list of top-priority problems, but they also want to hear about small problems. These problems may make editing less fun, take too much of your time, or be as annoying as a paper cut. The Editing team wants to hear about and try to fix these small things, too. 

You can share your thoughts by clicking this link. You may respond to this quick, simple, anonymous survey in your own language. If you take the survey, then you agree your responses may be used in accordance with these terms. This survey is powered by Qualtrics and their use of your information is governed by their privacy policy.

More information (including a translateable list of the questions) is posted on wiki at mw:VisualEditor/Survey 2015. If you have questions, or prefer to respond on-wiki, then please leave a message on the survey's talk page.

Thank you, Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 26. 3. 2015, 20:12 (CET)Odpovědět