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Zobrazení příspěvkůrozbalitsbalit

30. 11. 2021

25. 4. 2020

  • 08:5025. 4. 2020, 08:50 rozdíl historie +4 Únos Adolfa EichmannaNejednalo se o unos : A few months ago, we commemorated one of the most important events in the history of the State of Israel in the 20 th century - the 60 th anniversary of the ‘Adolf Eichmann’s Capture’ according to Wikipedia - Czech version [https://cs. wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9Anos_Adolfa_Eichmanna], in the Spanish version ‘Operación Garibaldi’ [ht The term ‘capture’ can be considered as something not positive, not in accordance with the name in Spanish značky: možný vandalismus editace z Vizuálního editoru