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Zwobot (diskuse | příspěvky)
m robot přidal: af, als, an, ang, ar, ast, be, bg, bn, br, bs, ca, csb, cv, cy, da, de, el, en, eo, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fo, fr, fy, ga, gd, gl, gu, he, hi, hr, ht, hu, hy, ia, id, ie, io, is, it, ja, jbo, jv, ka, kn, ko, ks, ku, kw, la, lb, li, lt, lv, mg
m robot identification template
Řádek 1:
{{Bot|Andre Engels}}
Robbot is a robot, written by [[Wikipedista:Rob Hooft|Rob Hooft]] and others, and operated by [[Wikipedista:Andre Engels|Andre Engels]]. It is used for adding and correcting interwiki-links.