Diskuse:Homoparentalita: Porovnání verzí

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Destinero (diskuse | příspěvky)
Destinero (diskuse | příspěvky)
Řádek 322:
:'''Vy Bazi jakožto majoritní autor článku''' jste se na zapracování kritiky také nezmohl. A když konkrétně poukážu na problém znějící „''v odstavci konzrvativní kritika se dozvíme pouze to, kdo z českých politiků homoparentalitu podporoval, což je myslím na hlavu postavené''“, přecházíte ho mlčením a poukazováním na to, na co se druzí údajně nezmohli - to je ubohé a vyprošuji si tyto demagogické postupy. Nezapomeňte, že je na Vás, jako na autorovi, abyste editoval vyváženě. A co se týče dojmů, zdá se není to jen můj dojem, tedy určitě to stojí za zamyšlení nad tím, jestli ta propaganda není náhodou tak trochu POV.--[[Wikipedista:DeeMusil|DeeMusil]] 19. 12. 2010, 01:16 (UTC)
:: Doporučuji se podívat na editorský konsensus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_parenting Jak je vidět, jen tak ledajaké povzdechy a dojmy nad NPOV nestačí, jelikož názorová protistrana je vytrvale neschopna dodat důvěryhodné zdroje dokumentující byť jen náznaky toho, že se děti vychovávané stejnopohlavními páry nevyvíjejí stejně dobře jako v různopohlavních rodinách. Nevidím důvod, proč se touto neschopností trápit. Wikipedie má být založena na důvěryhodných zdrojích a ne na ultrakonzervativních povzdechech. To, že si řada laiků a editorů myslí blbosti, není problém Wikipedie. To je jejich problém. Nechť se dovzdělají nebo ať o dané oblasti nepíší, když na to nemají potřebný rozhled. Poněvadž trapas s Hansen už jednou stačil. Nebo vy ještě nemáte dost? --[[Wikipedista:Destinero|Destinero]] 21. 12. 2010, 09:19 (UTC)
Žádám vás, abyste nedestruoval obsah tématu, jemuž zjevně dostatečně nerozumíte: http://cs.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Homoparentalita&diff=6198191&oldid=6102779
"The quality and breadth of research available, as
well as the results of the studies performed about gay
parenting and children of gay parents, is robust and has
provided the basis for a consensus in the field. Many
well renowned, regarded and respected professionals
have [produced] methodologically sound longitudinal
and cross-sectional studies into hundreds of reports.
Some of the longitudinal studies have tracked children
for six, ten and fourteen years. The starting ages of the
children in the longitudinal studies has varied from birth,
six to ten years old and followed them throughout
childhood, adolescence and into adulthood. The studies
and reports are published in many well respected peer
reviewed journals including the Journal of Child
Development, the Journal of Family Psychology, the
Journal of Child Psychology, and the Journal of Child
Psychiatry. Each of the studies and hundreds of reports
also withstood the rigorous peer review process and were tested statistically, rationally and methodologically by
seasoned professionals prior to publication."
" In addition to the volume, the body of research is
broad; comparing children raised by lesbian couples to
children raised by married heterosexual couples; children
raised by lesbian parents from birth to children raised by
heterosexual married couples from birth; children raised
by single homosexuals to children raised by single
heterosexuals; and children adopted by homosexual
parents to those raised by homosexual biological parents,
to name a few. '''These reports and studies find that there are no differences in the parenting of homosexuals or the adjustment of their children. '''
These conclusions have been accepted, adopted and
ratified by the American Psychological Association, the
American Psychiatry Association, the American Pediatric
Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the
Child Welfare League of America and the National
Association of Social Workers. As a result, based on the
robust nature of the evidence available in the field, '''this Court is satisfied that the issue is so far beyond dispute that it would be irrational to hold otherwise''';
the best interests of children are not preserved by
prohibiting homosexual adoption."
" The gender of a child’s parent is not a factor in a child’s
adjustment. The sexual orientation of an individual does not
determine whether that individual can be a good parent.
Children raised by gay or lesbian parents are as likely as
children raised by heterosexual parents to be healthy,
successful and well-adjusted. The research supporting this
conclusion is accepted beyond serious debate in the field of
developmental psychology."
"a. Tr 1025:4-23 (Lamb: Studies have demonstrated “very
conclusively that children who are raised by gay and
lesbian parents are just as likely to be well-adjusted as
children raised by heterosexual parents.” These results
are “completely consistent with our broader understanding
of the factors that affect children’s adjustment.”)"
"Plaintiffs presented an abundance of evidence and research, confirmed
by our independent research, supporting the proposition that the interests of
children are served equally by same-sex parents and opposite-sex parents.
On the other hand, we acknowledge the existence of reasoned opinions that
dual-gender parenting is the optimal environment for children. These
opinions, while thoughtful and sincere, were largely unsupported by reliable
scientific studies."
"The methodologies used in the major studies of same-sex parenting meet
the standards for research in the field of developmental psychology and psychology
"The body of research on same-sex families
is consistent with standards in the relevant fields and produces reliable conclusions."
Zpět na stránku „Homoparentalita“.