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Capsot (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Řádek 35:
==Hi, would you be so kind as to give us support!==
Hello, my most sincere apologies but I don't speak Czech and unfortunately I can understand very little of it. I hope you're doing fine and I sincerely apologize for this intrusion. My name is Claudi Balaguer (User Capsot from the Catalan Wikipedia and the Occitan Wikiccionari), I've just read some discussions and I think I have seen that you show a keen interest in languages (and probably diverse cultures), so you understand very well what are a minorized language and culture and maybe I am not bothering you and you will help us... I'm a member of a Catalan association "Amical de la Viquipèdia" which is trying to get some recognition as a Catalan Chapter but this hasn't been approved up to that moment because Catalan has no state. We would appreciate your support, visible if you stick this on your first page and/or signing the link within the template: [[Šablona:Wikimedia CAT|Wikimedia CAT]]. Supporting us will be like giving equal opportunity to minorized languages and cultures in the future! Thanks for your attention, I wish you a pleasant and sunny summertime, take care, na další, dobrý den, děkuji! [[Wikipedista:Capsot|Capsot]] 26. 6. 2010, 07:25 (UTC)
== Písmena cyrilice ==
Ahoj, kolego, nemohl bys prosím nějak už v názvu článku rozlišit písmena cyrilice, jež vkládáš, od písmen latinky? Mám momentálně na mysli J a B (a určitě budou i další, třeba T), jež podle názvu člověk nerozezná. Stačilo by udělat B (cyrilice), aby člověk hned věděl, že není v latince. Díky a měj se--[[Wikipedista:Feťour|Feťour]] 5. 7. 2010, 10:33 (UTC)