Fókida: Porovnání verzí

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první verze Fókidy (překlad z en:Phocis)
první odstavec historie
Řádek 32:
Raná historie Fókidy není dostatečně známa. Během [[Perská říše|perské]] invaze v roce 480 př.n.l se Fókové nejprve připojili k národní obraně, ale vinou svého váhání v [[Bitva u Thermopyl|bitvě u Thermopyl]] ztratili svou pozici. [[Bitva u Platají|U Platají]] bojovali na straně Peršanů. V roce 457 př.n.l. se pokusili rozšířit svůj vliv až k ústí [[Kéfissos|Kéfissu]] v [[Dóris|Dóridě]], tento pokus však byl překažen zásahem [[Sparta|spartské]] armády, která bránila „dórskou metropoli.“ Podobný podnik proti [[Delfy|Delfám]] v roce 448 př.n.l. byl opět Sparťany zmařen. Nedlouho poté však Fókové Delfy dobyli s pomocí [[Athény|Athéňanů]], s nimiž uzavřeli spojenectví v roce 454 př.n.l. Postupný úpadek Athénské pozemní síly vedl k oslabení tohoto spojení; v době [[Peloponnéská válka|Peloponnéské války]] už byla Fókis nominálně vazalem a spojencem Sparty a ztratila kontrolu nad Delfami.
The early history of Phocis remains quite obscure. During the [[Persian Empire|Persian]] invasion of 480 BC the Phocians at first joined in the national defence, but, by their irresolute conduct at the [[Battle of Thermopylae]] lost that position for the [[Greeks]]; at the [[Battle of Plataea]] they were enrolled on the Persian side. In 457 BC an attempt to extend their influence to the headwaters of the [[Cephissus]] in the territory of Doris brought a [[Sparta]]n army into Phocis in defence of the "metropolis of the Dorians". A similar enterprise against [[Delphi]] in 448 BC was again frustrated by Sparta, but not long afterwards the Phocians recaptured the sanctuary with the help of the [[Athens|Athenians]], with whom they had entered into alliance in 454 BC. The subsequent decline of Athenian land power had the effect of weakening this new connection; at the time of the [[Peloponnesian War]] Phocis was nominally an ally and dependent of Sparta, and had lost control of Delphi.
In the 4th century BC Phocis was constantly endangered by its Boeotian neighbours. After helping the Spartans to invade Boeotia during the [[Corinthian War]] (395&ndash;94 BC), the Phocians were placed on the defensive. They received assistance from Sparta in 380 BC, but were afterwards compelled to submit to the growing power of [[Thebes (Greece)|Thebes]]. The Phocian levy took part in the inroads of [[Epaminondas]] into [[Peloponnesus]], except in the final campaign of [[Mantinea]] (370&ndash;362 BC), from which their contingent was withheld. In return for this negligence the Thebans fastened a religious quarrel upon their neighbours, and secured a penal decree against them from the [[Amphictyonic league|Amphictyonic]] synod (356 BC). The Phocians, led by two capable generals, [[Philomelus]] and [[Onomarchus]], replied by seizing Delphi and using its riches to hire a [[mercenary]] army. With the help of these troops the Phocian League at first carried the war into Boeotia and [[Thessaly]], and though driven out of the latter country by [[Philip of Macedon]], maintained itself for ten years, until the exhaustion of the temple treasures and the treachery of its leaders placed it at Philip's mercy. The conditions which he imposed &ndash; the obligation to restore the temple funds, and the dispersion of the population into open villages &ndash; were soon disregarded. In 339 BC the Phocians began to rebuild their cities; in the following year they fought against Philip at [[Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC)|Chaeronea]]. Again in 323 BC they took part in the [[Lamian War]] against [[Antipater]], and in 279 BC helped to defend Thermopylae against the [[Gauls]].