Íránské národy: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 75:
V 1. tisíciletí našeho letopočtu byla jejich oblast osídlení zmenšena v důsledku [[Slované|slovanských]], [[germáni|germánských]], [[Turkické národy|turkických]] a [[Mongolská říše|mongolských]] expanzí. Mnoho z nich se stalo předmětem [[slavizace]].<ref name="The Sarmatians, 600 BC-AD 450">{{cite book |quote="(..) Indeed, it is now accepted that the Sarmatians merged in with pre-Slavic populations."|title=The Sarmatians, 600 BC-AD 450 |first1= Richard |last1=Brzezinski |first2=Mariusz | last2=Mielczarek |publisher= Osprey Publishing | date = 2002 |page=39 }}</ref><ref name="Taylor & Francis">{{cite book |quote="(..) In their Ukrainian and Polish homeland the Slavs were intermixed and at times overlain by Germanic speakers (the Goths) and by Iranian speakers (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans) in a shifting array of tribal and national configurations."|title=Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture |first1= Douglas Q. |last1=Adams |publisher= Taylor & Francis | date = 1997 |page=523 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |quote="(..) Ancient accounts link the Amazons with the Scythians and the Sarmatians, who successively dominated the south of Russia for a millennium extending back to the seventh century B.C. The descendants of these peoples were absorbed by the Slavs who came to be known as Russians."|title=Women in Russia |first1= Dorothy |publisher= Stanford University Press | date = 1977 |page=3 |display-authors=etal}}</ref><ref name="Slovene Studies">{{cite book |quote="(..) For example, the ancient Scythians, Sarmatians (amongst others), and many other attested but now extinct peoples were assimilated in the course of history by Proto-Slavs."|title=Slovene Studies |publisher= Society for Slovene Studies | volume = 9-11 | date = 1987 |page=36 }}</ref> Do íránských národů patří [[Balúčové]], [[Kurdové]], [[Gílánci]], [[Lúrové]], [[Mázandaránci]], [[Oseti]], [[Paštunové]], [[Pamírci]], [[Peršané]], [[Tádžikové]] a [[Talyšové]]. Obývají oblast íránské plošiny po [[Kavkaz]] na severu, [[perský záliv]] na jihu, [[Sin-ťiang]] na východě a po východní Turecko na západě.<ref name="EB_Iranian_Languages">{{cite web |url=http://global.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/293577/Iranian-languages |title=Iranian languages |last1=Emmerick |first1=Ronald Eric |author-link= |date= |website=[[Encyclopædia Britannica|Encyclopædia Britannica Online]] |publisher=[[Encyclopædia Britannica|Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.]] |access-date=29 May 2015 |quote=}}</ref>
== Reference ==
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== Související články ==
* [[Airjánem vaédžah]]
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