Jean Piaget: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 158:
* Piaget, J. (1953). ''The Origins of Intelligence in Children.'' London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
* Piaget, J. (1955). ''The Child's Construction of Reality.'' London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
* Piaget, J. and Inhelder, B. (1966). ''La psychologie de l´enfant.'' Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. česky Piaget, J. and Inhelder, B. (2014): ''Psychologie dítěte''. Praha: [[Portál (nakladatelství)|Portál ]].
* Piaget, J. (1971). ''Biology and Knowledge''. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
* Piaget, J. (1995). ''Sociological Studies''. London: Routledge.