Soubor:Cubic graph special points.svg

Původní soubor(soubor SVG, nominální rozměr: 512 × 614 pixelů, velikost souboru: 17 KB)


English: Graph showing the relationship between the roots, turning or stationary points and inflection point of a cubic polynomial and its first and second derivatives. The vertical scale is compressed 1:50 relative to the horizontal scale for ease of viewing. Thanks to Álvaro Lozano-Robledo for a method to find a cubic function with distinct special points with non-zero integer coordinates.
Zdroj Vlastní dílo
Autor Cmglee
Další verze
Cubic graph special points repeated.svg
SVG vývoj
Zdrojový kód tohoto SVG není validní.
Tento vektorový obrázek byl vytvořen programem Python
This diagram uses translateable embedded text.
import re, math
def fmt(string): ## string.format(**vars()) using tags {expression!format} by CMG Lee
 def f(tag): i_sep = tag.rfind('!'); return (re.sub('\.0$', '', str(eval(tag[1:-1])))
  if (i_sep < 0) else ('{:%s}' % tag[i_sep + 1:-1]).format(eval(tag[1:i_sep])))
 return (re.sub(r'(?<!{){[^{}]+}', lambda m:f(, string)
         .replace('{{', '{').replace('}}', '}'))
def append(obj, string): return obj.append(fmt(string))
def tabbify(cellss, separator='|'):
 cellpadss = [list(rows) + [''] * (len(max(cellss, key=len)) - len(rows)) for rows in cellss]
 fmts = ['%%%ds' % (max([len(str(cell)) for cell in cols])) for cols in zip(*cellpadss)]
 return '\n'.join([separator.join(fmts) % tuple(rows) for rows in cellpadss])

def format_sign(x): return ('%+d' % (x)).replace('+', '+ ').replace('-','&#8722; ')
def scale_x(x): return 50 * x
def scale_y(y): return -y
n_search     = 20
cubic_bez_dx = 15
quad_bez_dx  = 15
linear_dx    = 15
fmt_out = '{id}\
double_dash = '-' * 2
outss = []
outs  = []
for i_pass in range(2): ## 0: to find best values, 1: output SVG
 id_best = None
 if (i_pass == 1):
  outss = sorted(outss, key=lambda outs:[max(abs(int(outs[5])), abs(int(outs[7]))),
                                         max(abs(int(outs[1])), abs(int(outs[3])))])
  id_best = int(outss[0][0])
  print(tabbify([fmt_out.replace('{','').replace('}','').split('|')] + outss))
 id = 0
 for   k2 in range(-n_search, n_search + 1):
  for  k1 in range(k2 + 1, n_search + 1):
   for k0 in range(k1 + 1, n_search + 1):
    (root0, root1, root2) = (-k0, -k1, -k2)
    if (root0 == 0 or root0 == root1 or
        root1 == 0 or root1 == root2 or
        root2 == 0 or root2 == root0): continue
    cubic_a   = 1
    cubic_b   = k0 + k1 + k2
    cubic_c   = k0 * k1 + k1 * k2 + k2 * k0
    cubic_d   = k0 * k1 * k2
    quad_a    = cubic_a * 3
    quad_b    = cubic_b * 2
    quad_c    = cubic_c
    linear_a  = quad_a * 2
    linear_b  = quad_b
    if (cubic_a == 0 or quad_a == 0 or linear_a == 0 or
        cubic_b == 0 or quad_b == 0 or linear_b == 0 or
        cubic_c == 0 or quad_c == 0 or
        cubic_d == 0): continue
    sqrt_disc = (4 * (k0 ** 2 + k1 ** 2 + k2 ** 2 - quad_c)) ** 0.5
    if ((quad_b + sqrt_disc) % linear_a != 0 or
        (quad_b - sqrt_disc) % linear_a != 0): continue
    (max_x, min_x) = [(-quad_b + sign * sqrt_disc) / linear_a for sign in (-1,1)]
    quad_bez_x1  = inf_x = (max_x + min_x) / 2
    linear_x0    = inf_x - linear_dx
    linear_x1    = inf_x + linear_dx
    cubic_bez_x0 = inf_x - cubic_bez_dx
    cubic_bez_x3 = inf_x + cubic_bez_dx
    (inf_y, max_y, min_y, cubic_bez_y0, cubic_bez_y3) = [
                    cubic_a * x ** 3 + cubic_b * x ** 2 + cubic_c * x + cubic_d
                    for x in (inf_x, max_x, min_x, cubic_bez_x0, cubic_bez_x3)]
    quad_bez_x0 = inf_x - quad_bez_dx
    quad_bez_x2 = inf_x + quad_bez_dx
    (inf_m, quad_bez_y0, quad_bez_y2, cubic_bez_m0, cubic_bez_m3) = [
                 quad_a * x ** 2 + quad_b * x + quad_c for x in
                 (inf_x, quad_bez_x0, quad_bez_x2, cubic_bez_x0, cubic_bez_x3)]
    inf_c       = inf_y - inf_m * inf_x
    quad_bez_y1 = ((linear_a * quad_bez_x0 + quad_b) * (quad_bez_x1 - quad_bez_x0) + quad_bez_y0)
    cubic_bez_x1 = (3 * inf_x - cubic_bez_dx) // 3 ## not sure how to get this
    cubic_bez_x2 = inf_x + (inf_x - cubic_bez_x1)
    cubic_bez_y1 = cubic_bez_m0 * (cubic_bez_x1 - cubic_bez_x0) + cubic_bez_y0
    cubic_bez_y2 = cubic_bez_m3 * (cubic_bez_x2 - cubic_bez_x3) + cubic_bez_y3
    if (id == id_best):
     path_cubic = fmt('''M {scale_x(cubic_bez_x0)},{scale_y(cubic_bez_y0)} C\
     path_quad = fmt('''M {scale_x(quad_bez_x0)},{scale_y(quad_bez_y0)} Q\
     path_linear = fmt('''M {scale_x(linear_x0)},{scale_y(linear_x0 * linear_a + linear_b)} L\
 {scale_x(linear_x1)},{scale_y(linear_x1 * linear_a + linear_b)}''')
     path_tangent = fmt('''M {scale_x(float(min_y - inf_c) / inf_m)!.0f},{scale_y(min_y)} L\
 {scale_x(float(max_y - inf_c) / inf_m)!.0f},{scale_y(max_y)}''')
  <use xlink:href="#axes"/>
  <g stroke-width="4">
   <g mask="url(#mask_line)">
    <path class="line_cubic"   d="{path_cubic}"/>
    <path class="line_quad"    d="{path_quad}"   stroke-dasharray="20,5"/>
    <path class="line_linear"  d="{path_linear}" stroke-dasharray="6,4" stroke-width="6"/>
    <path class="line_tangent" d="{path_tangent}" stroke-dasharray="25,5,5,5,5,5"/>
   <g class="line_concav">
    <path d="M {scale_x(max_x)},{scale_y(max_y)} V 0
             M {scale_x(min_x)},{scale_y(min_y)} V 0
             M {scale_x(inf_x)},{scale_y(inf_y)} V 500" stroke-dasharray="20,5,5,5"/>
    <path d="M -630 460 Q -630 470 -620 470 H 35 Q 45 470 45 460 M 55 460 Q 55 470 65 470 H 620 Q 630 470 630 460"/>
  <g stroke-width="8">
   <g class="label_cubic">
    <text class="equation" x="-70" y="-630"><tspan class="var">f</tspan><tspan dx="0.2ex">(</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>) =&#160;</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>&#179; {format_sign(cubic_b)}</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>&#178; {format_sign(cubic_c)}</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>&#160;{format_sign(cubic_d)}</tspan></text>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(root0)},               0)"><use xlink:href="#root"/><text x="0.5ex"  y="2ex">root ({root0})</text></g>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(root1)},               0)"><use xlink:href="#root"/><text x="0.5ex"  y="2ex">root ({root1})</text></g>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(root2)},               0)"><use xlink:href="#root"/><text x="-0.5ex" y="2ex" class="end">root ({root2})</text></g>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(max_x)},{scale_y(max_y)})"><use xlink:href="#tp"  /><text x="-9ex" y="-0.8ex">turning point, stationary point &amp; local maximum ({max_x}, {max_y})</text></g>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(min_x)},{scale_y(min_y)})"><use xlink:href="#tp"  /><text x="5ex" y="2ex" class="end">turning point, stationary point &amp; local minimum ({min_x}, {min_y})</text></g>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(inf_x)},{scale_y(inf_y)})"><use xlink:href="#ip"  /><text y="-1ex">falling inflection point ({inf_x}, {inf_y})</text></g>
    <g transform="translate(0             ,{scale_y(cubic_d)})"><use xlink:href="#yi"  /><text x="0.5ex">y-intercept ({cubic_d})</text></g>
   <g class="label_quad">
    <text class="equation" x="-530" y="-260"><tspan class="var">f</tspan><tspan dx="0.2ex" class="var">'</tspan><tspan dx="0.2ex">(</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>) = {quad_a}</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>&#178; {format_sign(quad_b)}</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>&#160;{format_sign(quad_c)}</tspan></text>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(max_x)},               0)"><use xlink:href="#root"/><text x="0.5ex"  y="-0.2ex">root ({max_x})</text></g>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(min_x)},               0)"><use xlink:href="#root"/><text x="-0.3ex" y="-0.2ex" class="end">root ({min_x})</text></g>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(inf_x)},{scale_y(inf_m)})"><use xlink:href="#tp"  /><text x="-1ex" y="2ex" class="end"><tspan>turning point, stationary point</tspan><tspan x="-1ex" dy="2ex">&amp; local maximum ({inf_x}, {inf_m})</tspan></text></g>
    <use xlink:href="#tp"   transform="translate({scale_x(inf_x)},{scale_y(inf_m)})"/>
   <g class="label_linear">
    <text class="equation" x="-560" y="120"><tspan class="var">f</tspan><tspan dx="0.2ex" class="var">''</tspan><tspan dx="0.2ex">(</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>) = {linear_a}</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>&#160;{format_sign(linear_b)}</tspan></text>
    <g transform="translate({scale_x(inf_x)},               0)"><use xlink:href="#root"/><text x="-0.5ex" y="-0.2ex" class="end">root ({inf_x})</text></g>
   <g class="label_concav">
    <text x="-295" y="505"><tspan class="var">f</tspan><tspan dx="0.2ex">(</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>) curve concave (downwards)</tspan></text>
    <text x="345"  y="505"><tspan class="var">f</tspan><tspan dx="0.2ex">(</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>) convex (downwards)</tspan></text>
   <g class="label_tangent">
    <g transform="translate(-140,-860)"><text><tspan>tangent at inflection point:</tspan><tspan x="15" dy="2ex" class="var">y</tspan><tspan>&#160;= -147</tspan><tspan class="var">x</tspan><tspan>&#160;+ 433</tspan></text></g>
    id += 1

out_p = fmt('width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="-640 -1024 1280 1536"')

## Compile everything into an .svg file
myself   = open(__file__, 'r').read() ## the contents of this very file
file_out = open(__file__[:__file__.rfind('.')] + '.svg', 'w') ## *.* -> *.svg
try: ## use try/finally so that file is closed even if write fails
 file_out.write('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!%s
%s%s%s\n%s%s''' % ('-' + '-', ## because SVG comments cannot have 2 consecutive '-'s
  myself[ : myself.find('width',myself.find('<svg'))], ## assume width specified before height/viewBox
  out_p, ## replace SVG width/height/viewBox with {out_p} & dynamic SVG block with {outs} contents
  myself[myself.find('>',myself.find('<svg')) : myself.find('\n',myself.find('BEGIN_'+'DYNAMIC_SVG'))],
  '\n'.join(outs), myself[myself.rfind('\n',0,myself.find('END_'+'DYNAMIC_SVG')) : ]))

## SVG-Python near-polyglot framework version 2 by CMG Lee (Feb 2016) -->


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17 862 bajt

614 pixel

512 pixel

Historie souboru

Kliknutím na datum a čas se zobrazí tehdejší verze souboru.

(nejnovější | nejstarší) Ukázat (10 novějších | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná4. 2. 2024, 03:08Náhled verze z 4. 2. 2024, 03:08512 × 614 (17 KB)CmgleeWork around leading-or-trailing-nonbreaking-space-ignored rsvg bug:
4. 2. 2024, 02:59Náhled verze z 4. 2. 2024, 02:59512 × 614 (17 KB)CmgleeFix "global minimum" and use minus signs
2. 2. 2024, 08:35Náhled verze z 2. 2. 2024, 08:35512 × 614 (17 KB)Opencooperrv: not sure if it's something I changed or changes in the renderer, but the new MediaWiki raster conversion doesn't preserve the non-breaking spaces and uses a spindly font
2. 2. 2024, 08:28Náhled verze z 2. 2. 2024, 08:28512 × 614 (17 KB)Opencooperproper Unicode minus sign
19. 4. 2019, 20:18Náhled verze z 19. 4. 2019, 20:18512 × 614 (17 KB)CmgleeUse exact cubic and quadratic Bézier curves instead of approximating with polylines, update labels, shrink markers and convert to near-polyglot Python.
26. 8. 2013, 11:44Náhled verze z 26. 8. 2013, 11:44512 × 614 (19 KB)AnonMoosremove trivial syntax error, should now validate
3. 8. 2012, 21:30Náhled verze z 3. 8. 2012, 21:30512 × 614 (19 KB)CmgleeAdd tangent at inflection point.
3. 8. 2012, 14:49Náhled verze z 3. 8. 2012, 14:49512 × 614 (17 KB)CmgleeFix based on comments by Duoduoduo and
27. 3. 2012, 23:18Náhled verze z 27. 3. 2012, 23:18512 × 614 (17 KB)CmgleeAlign text labels.
25. 3. 2012, 22:59Náhled verze z 25. 3. 2012, 22:59512 × 614 (17 KB)CmgleeRefine text labels.
(nejnovější | nejstarší) Ukázat (10 novějších | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

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