
Poslední komentář: před 9 lety od uživatele

Abdul Mannan Omar's Lexical Dictionary of the Quran:

Allah.....It is the proper noun applied to the Supreme Being, Who is the sole possessor of all perfect attributes, Who is free from all defects and Who exists necessarily by Himself. It is not a common noun. All Divine atributes mentioned in the Holy Quran are qualities of the proper name Allah. No other language has a distinctive name for the Divine being. the nsames found in other languages are either attributive or descriptive and can be used in the plural form, but the word Allah is never used for any other thing, being or deity. It is never used as a qualifying word. Sibwaih and Khalil say, Since Al in the beginign of the word is inseparable from it si it is a simple sub-stantive, not derived from any other word. the word Allah is not a contraction of al-ilah, as some people tend to believe, but quite a different word.

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-- Tento nepodepsaný komentář přidal(a) uživatel(ka) (diskuse) 20. 12. 2013

"but the word Allah is never used for any other thing, being or deity." - to není pravda: "Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God".[4] The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for "God" than "Allah".[21] (Even the Arabic-descended Maltese language of Malta, whose population is almost entirely Roman Catholic, uses Alla for "God".)" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allah#Christianity) 7. 12. 2014, 08:09 (CET)Odpovědět



Pokud je Alláh zkrácený tvar od al-iláh (الإله), znamená to, že určitý člen již obsahuje (člen je "al", bůh je "iláh", zkrácený tvar je "alláh"). Slovo "alláh" tedy nemůže být napsané ani vyslovené bez určitého členu. ( 2. 7. 2014, 17:41 (UTC))

Zpět na stránku „Alláh“.