Soubor:Venetian Goblet QM r.jpg

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English: This vase or goblet was made in Italy in the early 19th century. It is made of Venetian glass and decorated with birds and fish. It may have been used as a wine glass or as a beautiful ornament.

Object description: The base is slightly raised with a cone-like bowl decorated with blue and brown enamel. The bowl has two pairs of fish with tails intertwined in colours of blue, pale yellow and brown. Between them is a bird and a lion. The top is trimmed with gold and white. This item is part of the Ben Ronalds’ Collection. History: Venetian glass is made in Venice, Italy, on the island of Murano. It is known throughout the world for being colourful and skilfully made. The glassware is made from silica and other materials. When this is heated it becomes liquid. As it cools to a solid state, it becomes soft and pliable. The glass-master can shape the molten glass into beautiful pieces.

Local artisans use special tools for this. They include: borselle (tongs to hand-form the red-hot glass); canna da soffio (a blowing pipe); pontello (an iron rod that helps with adding the finishing touches); scagno (a work bench); and tagianti (glass-cutting clippers).
Zdroj Vlastní dílo
Autor Queensland Museum


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glass goblet angličtina

0.06666666666666666666 sekunda


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současná10. 8. 2011, 04:39Náhled verze z 10. 8. 2011, 04:391 920 × 2 560 (861 KB)Qm museum bot

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